
Adware Spyware FAQ

Have I got a spyware problem?

If you are not running a spyware check or adware detector program you are most likely infected. You need to be running spyware security software to keep your computer clean and running its best.

What is the difference between adware and spyware?

Spyware is usually installed on your home computer without your knowledge.

Adware, sometimes called "ad spyware" usually comes with some free software and it is a requirement of the program that you allow the adware to be installed. Most companies that include adware in their free install do include that disclaimer in the user agreement and/or make it an option on the install. However they may bury that option in several checkboxes and default to letting them install it. Read every screen and deselect that part of the install if allowed to do so.

Where does spyware come from?

Any time you get online the internet and go surfing or download free programs you are taking a chance. Many P2P networks like Kazaa or Limewire link you to people that are sharing software that is infected with spyware.

How can I fix or clean spyware off my desktop?

There are many good products out there that will protect you. Not only can they clean your computer of spyware and adware but they can prevent spyware from taking hold in the first place.

Is there a spyware list somewhere?

You would never be able to keep up with it all on your own. New spyware and adware is being released all the time. Companies that make adware and spyware removal software have a full time staff on duty to track them and include it in periodic updates.

I thought I had removed the spyware, but I did a spyware check and now I think new spyware has hijacked my computer, what did I do wrong?

Probably nothing, some insidious spyware and adware gets into your registry, the heart of your windows computer. Even after deletion by normal means they are able to respawn themselves on reboot. Some of these take extraordinary measure to get rid of. The best offense is defense.

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